First, add the resources repo on Seed. If you haven’t yet, you can create a free account here.

Go in to your Seed account, add a new app, authenticate with GitHub, search for the resources repo, and select it.

Search for Git repository

Seed will now automatically detect the SST service in the repo. After detection, select Add Service.

Select serverless service to add

By default, Seed lets you configure two stages out of the box, a Development and a Production stage. Serverless Framework has a concept of stages. They are synonymous with environments. Recall that in the previous chapter we used this stage name to parameterize our resource names.

Let’s first configure the Development stage. Enter:

  • Stage Name: dev
  • AWS IAM Access Key and AWS IAM Secret Key: the IAM credentials of the IAM user you created in your Development AWS account above.

Set dev stage IAM credentials

Next, let’s configure the Production stage. Uncheck Use the same IAM credentials as the dev stage checkbox since we want to use a different AWS account for Production. Then enter:

  • Stage Name: prod
  • AWS IAM Access Key and AWS IAM Secret Key: the IAM credentials of the IAM user you created in your Production AWS account above.

Finally hit Add a New App.

Create an App in Seed

Now let’s make our first deployment. Click Trigger Deployment under the dev stage.

Select Deploy in dev stage

We are deploying the master branch here. Confirm this by clicking Deploy.

Select master branch to deploy

You’ll notice that the service is being deployed.

Show service is deploying in dev stage

After the service is successfully deployed. Click Promote to deploy this to the prod stage.

Select Promote in dev stage

You will see a list of changes in resources. Since this is the first time we are deploying to the prod stage, the change list shows all the resources that will be created. We’ll take a look at this in detail later in the Promoting to production chapter.

Click Promote to Production.

Promote dev stage to prod stage

Now our resources have been deployed to both dev and prod.

Show service is deployed in prod stage

Next, let’s deploy our API services repo.